Reference: 15 February 1864 - 16 August 1872 Males, No.2 & 3 Wards Gillbee GSV Book No: 144, pp.101, 104-105

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Friday, 1 February, 2019

Gabriel Blewitt age 70 admitted April 29th 1870 (4pm). On 21st inst. he slipped & fell upon his left side & struck his left ankle against the curb stone - he could not put it to the ground. Very little swelling took place. The next morning there was more swelling & it was slightly bruised. he applied poultices & on the same day leeches; he applied these three or four times. His leg became gradually discolored. On admission there is moist gangrene of the foot & ankle extending from the toes up to the knee. The tibia & fibia are fractured close above the ankle joint... The pulse weak states he has not slept for 4 nights. No feeling of numbness or coldness in the foot. He was ordered [illegible] of brandy & [illegible] liquor opii sedations at bed time. 30/ Passed a quiet night feels comfortable. P 90 irregular...Leg was placed in a fracture box & fomentations applied. Lies in a drowsy state. Consultation held. Decided to amputate leg [illegible] below head of tibia. Very little bleeding. Stump dressed with [illegible]... 1/5 Had some sleep. Feels comfortable... P 84... 2/ Had some sleep p 90 soft regular... 3/ P 120... 5/... P 96 irregular passed a quiet night... pain on right wrist joint he ascribes to rheumatism 6/ Seems very low today... P irregular... 9/... passed a poor night 11/ Is weaker today... drowsy all the time ... 13/ Is much weaker... 14/ Sinking. Comatose. Died midnight

Associated events

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Death   14 May 1870
Accident   21 April 1870